People move outside St. Petersburg — to the the Leningrad region 15 years in search for clean air, silence and pure environment. Ten years ago there were no more than 10 houses and clean fields around here. Today, there are not only land plots awarded to each other, but also unauthorized garbage dumps, birch trees clogged with advertisements and the incessant noise of chainsaws on the weekends. In the performance “Alive” performers explore the traces of human intervention into the environment and the dichotomy created between the natural and the technogenic.
Photographer: Natalya Lozinskaya
“Zhivye” (means “alive” in Russian) is an eco performance related to the topic of deforestation in Leningrad region was presented at the forest exhibition “Idite lesom” organized by “Postoronnye” art collective on 24 July, 2021.
Author: Sofia Melikova
Performers: Mikhail Zubov, Inaya Ta, Artyom Gusto, Sergey Gurov, Aldiyar Abugalysina, Irina Litvinova, Sofia Melikova.